To select all the ports in the design
selectIOPin *
To display all the contents in the shell window
enc_tcl_return_display_limit value
To get the direction of ports
get_attribute [get_pins *] direction
To get the output ports name
get_attribute [get_pins * -filter "direction==out"] name
To get the input ports name
get_attribute [get_pins * -filter "direction==in"] name
To filter weather a port is signal or clock port
To select all the instances in the design
selectInst *
To get the instance names in the design
get_cells *
get_cells * -hierarchical
get_attribute [get_cells * -hierarchical] hierarchical_name
To get all the net names in the design
get_nets *
get_nets * -hierarchical
To get all the combinational cells in the design
get_attribute [get_cells * -hierarchical -filter "is_combinational==true"] hierarchical_name
To check weather a cell is combinational or not
get_attribute [get_cells tem_mbist4/l_releasclk_reg/g16] is_combinational
To get all the sequential cells in the design
get_attribute [get_cells * -hierarchical -filter "is_sequential==true"] hierarchical_name
get_attribute [get_cells tem_mbist4/l_releasclk_reg/g16] is_sequential
To get the no. of pins of an instance
get_attribute [get_cells tem_mbist4/l_releasclk_reg/g16] pin_count
To get the library cell name of an instance
get_attribute [get_cells tem_mbist4/l_releasclk_reg/g16] ref_lib_cell_name
To get only sequential cells excluding memories
get_attribute [get_cells * -hierarchical -filter "is_memory_cell==false && is_sequential==true"] hierarchial_name