Monday, August 5, 2019

ICC2 Tool Commands

How to add ndms in ref_libs
Open block.tcl file
Report_ref_libs information dump in a new tcl file
Now go to icc2shell
set_ref_libs -add missed ndm file---> from block.tcl file
set_ref_libs -rebind
link_block -force

How to resolve upf error ?

How to move ESD cell with origin coordinates ?
move_objects [get_selection ] -to {7486.0965 3288.0000}

How to select all the cells which have net name VDD_1V2_IO ?
 change_selection [get_cells -of_objects [get_net VDD_1V2_IO]]

Cmd for to check shorts
 check_lvs -max_error 0 -checks short----->for to check shorts

How to add buffers
add_buffer -lib_cell ec0cbf000an1n20x5 -new_cell_names 01122019_cell -new_net_names 01122019_net [get_pins lgcio_pch/giolgcpchtop/lgciopchdig/chaitanya_fix_3/clk]

For to check open nets for a specific net
check_lvs -checks open -nets {biss_bg_vref_out} -open_reporting detailed------>for to check opens of a specific net

How to load bumps
read_def -add_def_only_objects {cells nets ports} def file path

How to prepare Empty db

   change_selection  [get_cells *BUMP*]
   remove_objects [get_selection ]
   change_selection [get_shapes -of_objects -filter "layer_name==AP"]
   change_selection [get_shapes  -filter "layer_name==AP"]
   change_selection [get_shapes  -filter "layer_name==M11"]
   change_selection [get_vias  -filter "upper_layer_name==M11 || upper_layer_name==AP "]
   remove_objects [get_selection ]

How to get def file?
Select whatever u need in tool then use below command
write_def -objects [get_selection] filename.def

How to load def?

First create empty db
Then use below command
read_def -add_def_only_objects {cells nets ports} def path

To create cell
create_cell  inst_TMS_SWDIO  */io_sndwire_fs_1v2_1v8_n1
move_objects [get_cell inst_1V8_SUP1V8_1 ] -to {4250.0000 0.0000} 

To get cells
change_selection [get_cells -of_objects [get_nets VDD_DIG_BIS]]
sizeof_collection [get_cells]

To select all cells
lsort -u [get_attribute [get_selection ] object_class ]
Remove_cells [get_selection]
getting particular pins
get_pins par_opio/*xx*
connecting and disconnecting nets
Connect_net -net name pin name
Disconnect_net -net name pin name
cs [gp -of [gn vccvdd2_rpll_hv]] 
get_nets -of_objects [gs]
How to remove terminals?
change_selection [get_terminals *]
remove_objects [get_selection]

How to take routes with tcl
Off terminal,ports,cells
First select nets
Give get selection
Then take that net names and paste in this cmnd on braces
1.change_selection [get_shapes  -of_objects [get_nets netname]] then u will get that net nets shapes
2.change_selection [get_viass -of_objects [get_nets netname ]] -add
3. lsort -u [get_attribute [get_selection ] object_class ]
 4.write_routes -objects [get_selection ] -output filename

To know width of the layer 
ga [get_layer m9] min_width 

For to remove cells from design
Remove_cellls [get_selection]

For to select that net shapes in specific Layer
change_selection [get_shapes -of_objects [get_net VDD_1V2_IO] -filter "layer_name==M10"] 

For to know cell count
sizeof_collection [get_selection]

How to drop Vias in a perticular place by using commands.
 By using bound option first create bound on that area
Next by using this command u can create vias for specific nets by selecting that bound
get_attribute [get_selection ] bbox

How to remove vias from a particular location
Here I am removing m10 vias
First draw bound on the area where u required.
Next use below commands
get_attribute [get_selection ] bbox
change_selection [get_vias -within {give bbox coordinates} -filter "upper_layer_name==M11 || upper_layer_name==M10"]


  1. very useful post ... thanks...

  2. I am trying to create a cell, with this command
    create_cell -reference H13TW040L_UDVCSAN2FX010 testing

    but getting this error
    Warning: Nothing implicitly matched 'testing' (SEL-003)
    Error: Nothing matched for reference (SEL-005)

    can someone corrects my command

  3. suppose if i selected in gui. corresponding command should displayed in gui
    for that what should i enable ?
